沈阳园宿园艺景观是一家专业从事别墅庭院景观设计施工、商务花园绿化设计施工品牌的企业,员工较低学历为本科,毕业院校为北京林业大学,东北林业大学,沈阳农业大学,哈尔滨工业大学,所学专业:景观设计,园林工程,工程监理,土木工程,园艺设计。 公司成立于2016年,现有完善的庭院景观设计施工团队,多年来一直在打造精品别墅庭院花园景观工程、在园林小品防腐木凉亭,廊架葡萄架,水景墙,等景观小品上追求唯美与创新,公司以丰富的庭院设计施工和户外景观产品制作经验为基础,不断开发和推广款式新颖的庭院景观材料和产品。现产品拓展为:进口防腐木材、休闲座椅、山水景观、地面装饰材料、园林机械、庭院护栏、家居遮阳篷等。公司成立伊始就本着产品贴近自然的原则,尽可能使用**原材料,制作符合现代庭院、花园景观需要的园艺用品,彰显个性却不破坏自然景观,体现人与自然的和谐。 Major Directions:Private Gardens Universal Design:Chinese,Japanese,French and Italian style. If you want to set up a wooden shelf and put some bricks on the ground,or you don't pay attention to the Urban Horticulture Aesthetics.You just need to go to the roadside where can make wood preservative and then customize a anticorrosive wood sketch.After that,you go to the labor market and employ some workers to do this job. If you want to create your own personality, you should choose Shenyang Yuansu Garden Landscape. We decide to do it better.We will design every place carefully.And the design drawings can make you see a full range of private gardens.What we pursued is we won't build two of the same courtyard. Our ultimate goal is only build five in a year. We won't put promotion fees to the owners.Actually,our target is not to make money,but to build our own brand and characteristics.Every garden will be different and excelsior. There are two senior garden designers in our team.In fact, professional and technic